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Organic Viticulture

By using biodynamic farming methods,
we create a healthy environment
that supoorts biodiversity.

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The quality of a wine is mainly determined in the vineyard. As guardians of our exceptional terroir, it is our responsibility to ensure they reach their full potential through careful vineyard management and constant attention. We do most of the work in the vineyards by hand. By using organic, biodynamic farming methods, we create a healthy environment that supports biodiversity.

Sustainable Living

organic farming

Sustainability has always been an integral part of our lives in Brda. The steep slopes and narrow terraces require manual work for most of our tasks. We don't have irrigation, and the idea of Brda without its biodiversity is unimaginable to us. Olive trees, fruit orchards, and even forests growing among our vineyards contribute to the uniqueness and natural beauty of our wine region. We live next to our vineyards, where respecting natural cycles and embracing sustainable practices is deeply rooted in our very lifestyle.

Vineyards Renaissance

sustainablility way of life cover crops

We collaborate with the Perleuve group and Giovanni Bigot, agronomist, researcher, and consultant for some of the best wineries in Italy and abroad. The goal of the project is to place the vineyard at the center of the production of quality wines, through a multidisciplinary and holistic approach.

Vineyard Culture

kaolin organic farming

Constant monitoring of the vineyard through the 4Grapes app is the basis for precision viticulture and allows you to constantly monitor the vineyard's status and help the winemaker make the right agronomic choices. It allows you to acquire and organize data derived from direct observations made in the field, such as the phytosanitary status, vegetative state, productive and qualitative parameters, and nutritional status. It could be compared to the "logbook" of the winemaker: in addition to having the snapshot of the current state, over the seasons, a history of fundamental importance is created to trace the vineyard's evolution and have a constant comparison with the past.

Intertwined Vines Bridge

Marjan Simcic Brda

The use of this tool also allows determining the qualitative potential of each vineyard, defined according to a scale of values from 1 to 100, called the BIGOT Index. Based on the score, the winemaker can choose the oenological destination of the grapes from the different plots, in order to optimize the results. The index, according to the LEAN philosophy, finally allows understanding on which agronomic parameters to intervene to improve the qualitative potential year after year.


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